Wednesday, March 26, 2008

think... think!!!

Things to do when friends come to visit:

1) Give them a map of Amsterdam and tell them to amuse themselves. The map is necessary so that they don't get ALL lost. Seriously, during the first month I was in Amsterdam, I managed to get lost 3 times. On the way to the local store...

2) Tikibad. No one is ever too old to have some watery fun. And indoors it doesn't matter that the weather is horrible.

3) introduce them to the wonders of satesaus. Yumm!

4) rush hour on Kalverstraat. just so they can't whine about the concentration of people at any other time.

5) Pancakes with bacon and syrup and possibly cheese. (can you tell that it's almost lunchtime for me?)

6) Terrasje pakken. That one depends on the weather but not as much as you'd think.

Any other suggestions?

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